
Well Within Yoga invites you to discover yoga in your own unique way. Whether you are interested in easing discomfort, restoring balance, finding inner peace or a building a stronger and more flexible body, Well Within is dedicated to support you with an engaging yoga practice that matches your needs and improves your quality of life.

The Well Within approach emphasizes healthy breathing, conscious movement and adaptation of Sarayoga practices to individual needs. Special breathing techniques allow you to move with awareness from within as well as balancing your energy.

Well Within teacher Sara Persson is a certified Viniyoga teacher and therapist. Her classes are versatile and welcoming for a wide variety of people. Accommodating individual conditions in the class, Sara helps create a safe and inspiring environment for practicing and learning yoga.

Sara specializes in yoga therapy and individual instruction, serving students at many levels including those with injuries and health conditions. As well as providing a customized yoga sequence, individual instruction with Sara coaches you to develop a regular at-home practice. Incorporating your goals and feedback about your practice, Sara guides and supports you to take charge of your own well being.



Contact Sara for information or to schedule a session
415.686.0696 or sara.wellwithin@gmail.com